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HomeNewsFunding for students helping the future of healthcare locally

Funding for students helping the future of healthcare locally

$2.6 million is supporting nursing and paramedic students in Nipissing and the future of healthcare in the region. 

Vic Fedeli, MPP for Nipissing announced local amounts with the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant.  

Most of the money, $1.6 million goes to the paramedic program at CTS Canadian Career College with 100 recipients. 

Another 100 recipients are being supported in Canadore’s Bachelor or Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Practical Nursing programs.  

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Funding for college programs amounts to $725,000.  

Another $260,000 is for Nipissing University’s Bachelor or Bachelor of Science Nursing program with 30 recipients.  

“Investing in our nursing & paramedic students will benefit the future of our health care system,” says Fedeli. “Once these students have graduated we will see the increased staffing impact our local hospitals, health care facilities, and long-term care homes.” 

He says qualified students have received full, upfront funding for tuition, books, and other direct educational costs in return for working in the area where they studied for a term of service after they graduate. 


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