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HomeNewsGarage fire spreads to home in West Ferris

Garage fire spreads to home in West Ferris

There were no injuries after a garage fire spread to an attached home on Joseph Street in West Ferris Monday night. 

“We had a fully involved garage fire attached to a single dwelling and partially burning dwelling as well,” says Platoon Chief Mark Linkie. 

Crews were called to the fire just before 8 pm.  

“Pretty tough fire actually,” Linkie says. “It took us quite a while to get it but we did eventually get it.  Usually when we arrive on scene at these fire they aren’t fully involved like that.  The guys were on the scene within three minutes and quickly had water on it.  But like I said it was fully involved.”  

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Linkie says damage to the home is substantial. 

“Not quite sure what the value would be but it was fully burnt,” he says.  

Linkie adds everyone got out safely and fire prevention is investigating the cause.   

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